We develop leadership skills, instigate new thinking, facilitate constructive collaboration, present alternative approaches, prepare strategic frameworks, create executable strategies, and encourage creativity to help our clients move from problem to solution.
Presentations focus on emerging social and political trends and key factors that determine success and failure in managing complex issues.
We present to Boards of Directors, senior management teams, and key stakeholders at corporations, industry and trade associations, chambers of commerce, professional groups, and nonprofit organizations as well a key clients and vendors. Presentations last 30-60 minutes.
Workshops improve the skills and approaches of established leaders.
Workshops focus on the development and application of the 15 principles of strategic issues management. Participants work individually, to identify personal strengths and areas that need improvement, and in groups that encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Programs are customizable and designed as 3-4 hour modules. Workshops are great additions to retreats and existing training programs.
Training introduces the concepts of strategic issues management to aspiring leaders.
We use directed discovery and case studies to train participants how to see problems clearly, act strategically and solve creatively. The training units introduce participants to best practices and the processes used to define success, set goals, assess resources, and develop strategy.
Training modules last 60-90 minutes and are customizable to meet your specific training needs.
Consultants & Advisers
As consultants and advisers we work with senior leaders to manage complex issues, integrate change and tame disruption.
The goal is to get our client to the starting line with the issue clearly focused, success defined, and assets correctly aligned around a fully developed strategy based on clearly stated and achievable goals.
In order for our client to “see clearly” we help them assess factors their organization can:
- Control with better alignment
- Influence using outreach and engagement
- Neither control nor influence
This approach helps to set achievable goals from which the organization can “act strategically” and “solve creatively.”