Leading from the Top: Presidential Lessons in Issues Management

About the Book

Dennis M. Powell’s new book Leading from the Top: Presidential Lessons in Issues Management takes readers on a journey spanning 90 plus years of American presidential history. In each chapter, the book uncovers valuable lessons in strategic management by analyzing how presidents tackled the most complex challenges, on the biggest stage, under the most intense scrutiny. Reading the book provides insights into crucial elements of successful strategic issues management, such as asking permission before undertaking big projects, repositioning an issue to regain control of the narrative, and determining the length of the runway. 

The book presents straightforward lessons in leadership, management, strategy, and communications that are easy to comprehend and apply.  Combined they form the  foundation for Massey Powell’s consulting, workshops, training and presentations.


“Refreshingly simple approach to a what can be a challenging subject.”

“I built a $35 million business and read the book three times then passed it on to my sons to read.”

“I wasn’t expecting the amount of quality information this book contains.”

“A must read to anyone who manages risk.”

“The book helps aspiring leaders understand the challenges at the next level.”

“Lessons learned over decades in an easy to read and understand format.”

“Reading the book is just the beginning of the journey.”

“As a communications professional, I appreciate how controlling the narrative in stressed throughout the book.”

“A must read for business school grads looking for a competitive advantage.”

“Readers come away with important insights into leadership in crisis.”

“A fair way of assessing the effectiveness of our elected leaders.”

Purchase the Book

Leading from the Top: Presidential Lessons in Issues Management is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Scribd and whereever books are sold.